In this day and age of widespread social media, naturally there will be those who use it for inappropriate purposes and the consequences of this may be significant or even tragic for young people. Mostly, this kind of thing occurs outside of school hours and it may become hard and confusing on how to deal with it effectively.
How do parents, carers, grandparents and others cope with this? The Queensland Government has provided funding to Parentline to assist.
Parentline Cyberbullying support training has been designed for use by all adults who care for older children and teens at risk of, or already have experiences with cyberbullying. To view the landing page and access the training resources: CLICK HERE
This training is FREE and available 24/7 via any internet enabled device.
The Parentline Cyberbullying training will be helpful to parents, carers and grandparents who are:
- Nervous or fearful of using the internet or new devices
- Anxious about their young ones using the internet
- Concerned cyberbullying may be impacting their child
- Concerned their child may be engaging in cyberbullying behaviours
- Would like to learn how to identify when cyberbullying may be impacting their family unit
- Would like supportive, practical information around starting uncomfortable conversations

We encourage all parents and carers to access these resources.