The aim of Senior schooling at Narangba Valley State High School is for each student to achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), through completion of either a Tertiary or Vocational pathway.
Narangba Valley State High School offer a broad range of subjects, allowing students to best design a pathway beyond school.
Curriculum offerings available include:
General and Applied subjects.
Certificate I, II and III courses delivered on campus.
School based apprenticeships or traineeships (SAT).
Certificate I, II, III & IV and Diploma courses offered through partnerships with TAFE and other RTOs.
Additionally, all students in Years 11 and 12 have the opportunity to be ATAR eligible.
Senior schooling at Narangba ensures that all students have the skills and knowledge to be successful citizens in the 21st Century.
Please refer to the Curriculum Handbooks for further information.